Why Manitoulin Island is the Best Place to Live
Have you taken a moment to look around recently? Now that summer is in full bloom, the island has reached its peak level of beauty and excitement. Many people come to Manitoulin to vacation in the summertime, but they are gone as the weekend comes to a close, slipping back into the Sunday evening traffic. It's a well kept secret, but Manitoulin is arguably one of the best places to live in the world (clearly we have no bias)
We're surrounded by beautiful nature and views
Located on the northern edge of Lake Huron, Manitoulin itself has a whopping 108 inland lakes. Lakes that are filled with a plethora of bass, rainbow trout, pike, perch, and salmon that you can fish for at your leisure. That's a lot of water - now how many fish can you catch?
Canadian Roadstories
There are countless hiking and biking trails, winding through the Niagara Escarpment. Lookout points that will take your breath away. Full, healthy foliage spreads across the land - tall, unwavering poplar trees. Colourful, proud maple trees. Strong, narrow cedar trees fan their leaves.
Escarpment Biosphere Conservatory
What could be better than waking up everyday knowing that you have some of the world's most beautiful places right at your finger tips?
The sunsets are better than anywhere else
With no hulking buildings to block our view, the sunsets on Manitoulin island are extraordinary. Lake Huron makes for a wonderful backdrop, as the colours bounce off the rippling water and create a beautiful palette of colour.
The lack of urban pollution on the island helps the light pass through clear, clean air, causing long paths of colour to shine. There's something magical about the island that facilitates such gorgeous views.
Lake Mindemoya, The Weather Network
Islanders know how to work hard and live off the land
Manitoulin island is home to a great number of livestock farms, and even a few dairy farms. About 152,000 acres of the island is said to be farmland. People take pride in maintaining these farms, taking care of the animals, and building a good life for their families. Manitoulin has a population of ambitious, hardworking people.
The Sudbury Star
Manitoulin also has a thriving fish farming industry - thousands of rainbow trout fingerlings (juvenile fish) are kept and fed in cages, and the farmers facilitate their growth and keep them healthy.
We have a diverse wildlife population
It comes to no one's surprise that there is a large deer population on the island - seriously, you can't drive down Highway 6 without spotting a deer (or a family of deer) in the brush. Moreover, the population of the "at risk" Blanding's turtles is increasing, after the efforts of turtle researchers took charge after a drop in numbers in 2013.
Manitoulin is also known for wondrous bird sightings throughout the year. Great blue herons, loons, bald eagles, hawks, bluejays, cardinals, owls...the list goes on. Manitoulin is along the pathway of a popular migration route. In the fall, you can spot the sandhill cranes during their migration. They typically rest on the island during their crossing of the Great Lakes, gathering in large groups and forming an fascinating spectacle.
Cottage Life
The island has an interesting history
As we talked about in the earlier blog, "5 Fun Facts About Manitoulin Island," the village of Sheguiandah is home to artifacts and weapons crafted out of quartzite that prove the existence of inhabitants from tens of thousands of years ago. You can visit the museum to get a glimpse of this piece of history yourself.
Manitoulin Expositor
There is a great presence of culture and art
There are many talented local artists, whose work can be viewed in all the galleries and shops across the island. The First Nation artistic talent is strong in our communities, and the beautiful work is a reflection of their experiences and perspectives of Manitoulin island throughout the years.
Ten Mile Point Trading Post and Gallery, Bluewater Tourism
Throughout the summers the island's First Nation reserves hold Traditional Pow Wows, and visitors are always welcome. Dancing, music, delicious food, and colourful regalia. It is a great way to be immersed in the culture that is so important to Manitoulin island.
Audley Travel
We have the best ice cream ever
Little Current has the best ice cream on the island: here at 3 Cows and a Cone, of course. Proudly selling 32 flavours in the summer, and the delicious Farquhar's ice cream that people come from far and wide to try. This creamy treat is what Manitoulin summers are made of.
Orange Pineapple
Manitoulin island is an enchanting island, and as long as you are willing to take advantage of the many amazing things it has to offer, you will never be bored. After all, this is the best place to live.